Thursday, December 18, 2008

dusky shed

Deep oceanic currents carry whale songs, below fading sun un seen.

Skins are always coming into this world... Dancwe with eyes to see pon' the relic keepn photo log..Acce3ss code above, or below I belo these flames of your curiosity and bid you to visit the skins and there custodians.

For these skins are all from diferent beings walking and unwalking desiding to grace us with there vibrations. As you find your interests, Eye may channel more to fancy those who seek.

Thus custom skin designs at your vibrant service,

just ask.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yum, Cheshire,
The vat's in the fiddle and the mop goblins certainly aren't shirking THiS one.
Moo, the Pearly, climbed into a cardboard box with a yellow crayon. Closed the lid. Drew a window on the box inners. Opened the window. Wowwy wowwy, holy cowsirs! It work'd!